Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
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Hotel Pacifico is recorded on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh peoples.
Aisha Estey, President of the BC Conservative Party
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
BC NDP Campaign Director Marie Della Mattia + Don Guy
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
John Rustad, Leader of the BC Conservative Party
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
David Eby: 37th Premier of British Columbia
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
BREAKING NEWS: Hotel Pacifico is going daily during the election!
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
Emergency Pod: BC United suspends campaign + BC Green Party leader Sonia Furstenau
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
"Elites under every cushion" with Katie DeRosa + Bruce Young
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
"Populism overwhelms elite consensus" with Angus Reid
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
"Unaffordable housing killed Halloween" with Minister Ravi Kahlon
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
“Rights exist whether Crown politicians acknowledge them or not” with Adam Olsen
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
"Throwing Darts" with Andrew Weaver + Strategy Suite with Bob Kronbauer
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
"There is a town called Lytton" with Mayor Denise O'Connor
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
"Time stamp this episode" with James Moore
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
"Untold Tales" with Daniel Marshall + Strategy Suite guest Sarah Sidhu
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
"Why are the Tory's +20 in Canada & -20 in the UK" with Andrew Percy + Vdovine
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
"The math is the math" with Neil Sweeney
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.
BC Housing with "Condo King" Bob Rennie + Strategy Suite guest Andrea Reimer
Your 5-star podcast destination for B.C. politicos.