Introducing: Race to Replace

Introducing: Race to Replace
Air Quotes Media

On a cold Monday morning, January 6th 2025, facing deadly poll numbers and even deadlier attacks within his own caucus, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced he would resign as Liberal leader and Prime Minister of Canada.

It kicked off an 8-week leadership race to replace him.

Who’s our next Prime Minister? For a day. For a week. For however long until the new boss takes on the surging Conservative Boss.

A helluva big job. And a short time to get there.

“Race to Replace” is the limited pod series from Air Quotes Media – creators of Curse of Politics, The Herle Burly and Hotel Pacifico – that chronicles the whole damn thing.

Your hosts are 3 former key Trudeau staffers: Tyler Meredith, Dan Arnold, and Vandana Fatima Kattar.

They’ll break down the candidates, their strategies and comms, operations and ground game, platform ideas and polling numbers, and how the race is changing week by week.

And if you think this sounds like a Liberals-only kind of thing, remember this: Smart politicos keep their friends close. And the opposition closer.

Listeners, take your mark. Every week. For the next 8 weeks.

Subscribe now to “Race to Replace”.


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