The Honourable Brian Tobin

The Honourable Brian Tobin
The Herle Burly

Greetings you curious, you courageous, Herle Burly-ites! A special show today because it’s a guest I’ve wanted to have here on the pod for quite a while. We’re talking to Brian Tobin, who, in my mind, has a place on the first-line, all-star politician team. Probably plays centre, but now that he’s in business, we’re likely to find him on the right side of the ice from time to time, too.

I’ll précis his bio because it’s long and accomplished. Born in Stephenville, Newfoundland. First elected to Parliament in 1980. Re-elected to his Liberal seat during the Mulroney wipe-out of 1984, which was no small feat. Becomes a well-spoken and persuasive Minister of Fisheries and Oceans when the Liberals regained power after almost a decade in opposition. Leads and implements The Oceans Act. Plays a critical federal spokesperson role in the 1995 Quebec Referendum. Resigns in 1996 to become leader of the Liberal Party of Newfoundland and wins a large majority there. Returns to federal politics in 2000 and becomes Minister of Industry. Departs politics (rather abruptly) 2 years later and embarks on a long and successful business career. And named as an Officer of the Order of Canada in 2013.

So, we’re going to talk about all of that today. We’ll look back on the career of this excellent politician, talk about his transition from politics to business … as well as get his thoughts on today’s political scene and the current economic climate.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


Marit Stiles, Leader of Ontario's NDP


Todd Smith, Ontario's Minister of Energy