David Axelrod

David Axelrod
The Herle Burly

It’s a helluva day here on The Herle Burly. Our 5th anniversary! We started this podcast 5 years ago not really knowing where it would take us.

David Axelrod was generous enough to help us launch this thing in 2017, and I’m just so chuffed to welcome him back. David, as most of you know, is the host of The Axe Files and one of the people who make Hacks on Tap the must listen it is. He’s the founder and Director of the University of Chicago Institute of Politics. He’s a senior political commentator on CNN, and of course, he was chief strategist for Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns. So just a bit of success.

Here’s where we’re going today:

  • We’ll discuss the state of democracy in the U.S. and the electoral implications of the January 6th hearings.

  • How can you campaign against fascism or autocracy when voters can’t define those concepts? Especially in the face of inflation.

  • What are the mid-term prospects … post-Dobbs, post-IRA passage, post-tuition debt action. Will women and young people turn out?

  • Who wins the DNC presidential primary in 2024? Replica of, or remedy for, Biden.

  • Who wins the GOP primary? Trump or the replica?

  • And then just some key observations as a political practitioner. In an era of media fragmentation and partisan divides … is a broad-based win a thing of the past?

Thank you for joining us on The Herle Burly podcast. Please take a moment to give us a rating and review on iTunes or your favourite podcast app.

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Watch this conversation on YouTube.

The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail and Google Canada.


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