David Dodge

David Dodge
The Herle Burly

Alright, Herle Burly-ites, it is hard to do better than our guest today: David Dodge is with me, economist and former Governor of the Bank of Canada.

Mr. Dodge’s career has been marked by high accomplishment in academia and the public service. I’m going to have to dramatically précis this, or we’ll be here the whole hour: PhD in economics from Princeton. Assistant Professor at Queen’s. Associate Professor, John Hopkins. Senior Fellow, UBC. Visiting Professor, Simon Fraser.

As a public servant … senior positions on the anti-inflation board, the central mortgage and housing corporation, G7 Deputy, Deputy Minister of Finance, Deputy Minister of Health and finally, Central Bank Governor. Today, as you might expect, we’ll cover the big, timely stuff … inflation and our economy … healthcare … and I also want to dive a little more deeply into the state of our public service.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


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