Jean-François Perrault, live at TRBOT!

Jean-François Perrault, live at TRBOT!
The Herle Burly

Greetings you ever-curious, Herle Burly-ites! Welcome to a special episode of The Herle Burly, recorded live at the Toronto Region Board of Trade!

Our guest today is Jean-François Perrault, Senior Vice-President and Chief Economist at Scotiabank. His role there? Well, it’s a big one, as you might expect of a Chief Economist. He leads the Economists team, supporting Scotiabank’s domestic and international business lines, and their clients, from retail to capital markets. He also provides the bank’s senior executives, business lines and customers with insights and forecasts on economic, financial market and policy developments. Prior to joining Scotiabank, Jean-François held prominent roles with the Federal Government – including Assistant Deputy Minister at Finance Canada – as well as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Our conversation today is going to focus on productivity, cost of living, housing, interest rates, and the economy more broadly.

Thank you for joining us on The Herle Burly podcast. Please take a moment to give us a rating and review on iTunes or your favourite podcast app.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


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