John Boyko + the Political Panel with Jenni and Scott

John Boyko + the Political Panel with Jenni and Scott
The Herle Burly
John boyko.png

Alright, it’s time for another Herle Burly 2-part pod!

Part 1, we have John Boyko. John is an educator, guitar player, former municipal politician AND the noted author of 8 books. His latest is: “The Devil’s Trick: How Canada fought the Vietnam War”. We’re going to talk about the Canada/U.S. relationship in the 50s and 60s and the surprising ways Canada was involved in war most think we had little to do with. Just how much did were Pearson, Paul Martin Sr. and Trudeau involved in that file?

Part 2 of pod is your weekly dose of issues, analysis and a unique brand of blaspheming that could only come from the backroom. It’s our Political Panel with Jenni Byrne and Scott Reid. This week we’re going to talk about: 

  • First we’ll discuss about the vaccine comms crisis.

  • We’ll do a “1-Year our from the Ontario Election” round up and discuss if Doug Ford retrieve what seems irretrievable

  • We’ll also discuss Annamie Paul and escalating tensions within her own Green Party executive.

  • And finally, stick around for our “HEY YOUs!” this week.

Thank you for joining us on The Herle Burly podcast. Please take a moment to give us a rating and review on iTunes or your favourite podcast app.

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Watch this conversation on YouTube.

The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


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