John Stackhouse: addressing the great problems of our world

John Stackhouse
The Herle Burly

John Stackhouse spent close to 25 years at the Globe and Mail, first as a foreign correspondent, editor of Report on Business and then finally, Editor-in-Chief at the newspaper. Today, he’s a Senior Vice-President, office of the CEO at the Royal Bank of Canada where he advises leadership on emerging trends in the Canadian economy, with a particular focus on technological change and innovation in this age of disruption. He’s also the author of 3 books, with a fourth coming out in April.

But John just returned from the “crazy, unique thing” that is Davos and so we’re going to talk about the business community, what role it’s playing positively or negatively and what role it can play in addressing the great problems of the world. And more specifically, we’ll get into climate change and how we need to reframe the energy transition as an opportunity for business, and finally the case for reshaping capitalism.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from TELUS and OREA.


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