Journalist Panel with Delacourt, Petty, and Vastel

Journalist Panel with Delacourt, Petty, and Vastel
The Herle Burly

They were covering it all, day 1 to day 36. And where we see clips, they see everything. We’ve brought in three of the smartest journos I know to talk about the whole story of Election 44.

Susan Delacourt joins us today. Susan is a National Columnist for the Toronto Star. She’s the author of 4 political books and is a frequent commentator on both the CBC and CTV.

Kathleen Petty is here. Kathleen is the Executive Producer of CBC News in Calgary. And she’s the host of her own amazing pod on CBC: West of Centre.

And Marie Vastel. Marie is the Parliamentary Correspondent in Ottawa for Le Devoir. And she’s a regular political analyst for Radio-Canada and the CBC, on both radio and TV.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail and the Ontario Real Estate Association.


Anne McGrath


Brad Wall