Philippe J. Fournier

Philippe J. Fournier
The Herle Burly

Herle Burly-ites, Philippe J. Fournier is here! I’m sure a good lot of you know who Philippe is and have read his work and analysis, but for our listeners who haven’t, Philippe is the creator of 338Canada, the statistical model of electoral projection based on historical trends, opinion polls and demographic data. He deconstructs and analyzes Canadian politics with the eyes of a scientist. Not at all shocking because, by day, Philippe teaches astrophysics at Cégep de Saint-Laurent! So today – and this is despite my own deep, deeeeep knowledge of astrophysics – we are going to geek out about polling and electoral data.

We’ll talk about the federal race… What the different voter coalitions are… What it is that makes the Liberal vote so damn efficient. We’ll talk about Poilievre and the kind of coalition he’s trying to build… Where he needs his votes to come from in order to be PM… And whether his leadership campaign poses a risk to his electoral prospects. And then we’ll talk about Singh and the NDP… What impact this accord with the Liberals is having on their support… And where the problem is translating feel good vibes for Singh, into votes. Finally, we’ll chat about the outlook for the upcoming Quebec election.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail and Google Canada.


Keith Boag


Mike McDonald