Tales of Trudeau with Paul Wells and Stephen Maher

We’re joined by two fine writers today, each of whom just launched books dealing with the same subject matter: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, his rise and his rule.

Stephen Maher has been writing about Canadian politics since 1989 as a columnist and reporter for Postmedia, iPolitics, and Maclean’s. He’s a multi-award-winner, and his latest book is called: “The Prince: The Turbulent Reign of Justin Trudeau.”

Paul Wells has, for years, been one of one of Canada’s great political journalists. Formerly at Maclean’s, the National Post and The Gazette, he now publishes his own widely read subscription newsletter, paulwells.substack.com. His book is: “Justin Trudeau on the Ropes: Governing in Troubled Times.”

As you might expect, we’ll talk about what compelled them both to write about Trudeau and contrast their respective takes.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


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