Banking, Inflation, and Government Spending: Amanda Lang and Kevin Carmichael

We just managed to get this pod in, before the end of the week. But it’s packed with the kind of high business intellect guests you need to “get-your-weekend-off-to-a-what-the-goddamn-hell-is-happening-to-the-economy” anxiety ridden start.

Amanda Lang and Kevin Carmichael are here!

Amanda is one of the highest profile business journalists in the country. Currently, back at BNN Bloomberg … a network she helped launch as ROBTV over two decades ago. She’s also worked at CNN, the Globe and Mail and National Post. And she was senior business correspondent for CBC news, where she anchored “The Exchange with Amanda Lang”, daily on CBC News Network. And now, as a 2-time guest of The Herle Burly, she’s earned the distinction of official “Friend of the pod”.

Kevin Carmichael is also an official “Friend of The Herle Burly”. And now, a 3-time guest. But he’s probably better known as Editor-In-Chief of The Financial Post. One of Canada’s leading, and award-winning business journalists, he also served as a Senior Fellow of the Centre for International Governance Innovation.

So, here’s what we’re talking about today:

  • Regulation … and this pesky spate of recent bank failures.

  • Inflation… we’ll dive into the always deep end of inflation and interest rates.

  • Governments … industrial policy and providing subsidies and tax incentives to industry.

  • Then … the upcoming budget. What’s likely to be in there? What should be in there?

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


Fred DeLorey: 2021 National Campaign Manager, Conservative Party of Canada


Financial Accountability, the Economy and Healthcare