Financial Accountability, the Economy and Healthcare

Financial Accountability, the Economy and Healthcare
The Herle Burly

This is a notable pod. A distinguished pod. A record setting pod! Because today on the show, we have a guest who’s making his 4th appearance.

Today, Peter Weltman takes his place atop the upper echelon of Herle Burly contributors. Regular listeners will remember that Mr. Weltman is the Independent Financial Accountability Officer of Ontario.

That means he heads an office that provides independent fiscal, financial and economic analysis on the state of the province’s finances ... plus trends in the provincial economy. He’s just released a report that stated, rather remarkably, that Ontario is going to be short … oh … just a tad over $21 billion dollars (21 billion!) by 2027, and so will be “unlikely” to achieve the Ford government’s stated commitments of adding enough beds and staff to keep up with demand.

Mr. Weltman told reporters this week: “Even with current expansion plans by 2027, Ontario will have less capacity in hospitals and long-term care than it did in 2019.”

We’re going to dive head long into that, plus a wider look at financial accountability and the economy.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail, the Nuclear Innovation Institute, and Uber Canada.


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