"From Left to Right"

"From Left to Right"
The Herle Burly

Well, greetings, you curious Herle Burly-ites! We have a fascinating panel discussion on tap for you today. It’s inspired by my friend Dale Eisler’s book: “From Left to Right: Saskatchewan’s Political and Economic Transformation.” How did a province like Saskatchewan, really the cradle of socialism in Canada – the birthplace of the CCF/NDP – become the most reliably right-wing province in the country? All in one generation!

You Herle Burly-ites know that I’m Prelate-born and Regina-raised. I’m really excited Dale is joining me here, today. Author, former journalist, senior federal public servant and currently Senior Policy Fellow at the Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy in Regina. Joining Dale and I for the discussion: 2 other sons of Saskatchewan! Kory Teneycke and Dwain Lingenfelter. You all know, Kory. Mr. Good-hair, Conservative Party Electoral Success Guru, Curse of Politics Panelist. And Dwain, another towering Saskatchewan public figure. He’s the former leader of the provincial NDP, President of the party, and in the governments of Blakeney and Romanow, Minister of a number of different key portfolios as well as Deputy Premier.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail and Mastercard Foundation.


Dr. David Nabarro


Andrew MacDougall