Prairie Politics:The upcoming Saskatchewan election with Teneycke & Topp

Greetings, you curiouser and curiouser Herle Burly-ites! Starting with a programming announcement of sorts: Over the next number of weeks … your moderately attractive and issues-oriented friends at Air Quotes Media pledge to bring you deep coverage of our current provincial elections. Our sister pod – Hotel Pacifico – has now gone daily to cover every square inch of political ground in B.C. Give a listen to Mike, Kate and Geoff … they’re quite amazing. The political panel on Curse of Politics will weigh in on stuff whenever its politically relevant.  And over here on The Herle Burly, we’ll do some deep conversation on the other races in play – Saskatchewan and New Brunswick. And maybe, just maybe, Ontario?

Today … it’s Saskatchewan! Writ drops any day now. Here to set the scene along with this boy from Prelate … 1 other son of the prairies – Conservative strategist and campaign manager, the aforementioned Kory Teneycke… and a man who, although born and raised in Quebec, had a major impact on Saskatchewan politics as Deputy Chief of Staff to NDP Premier Roy Romanow, Brian Topp.

The three of us are going to take stock of the 2 major parties heading into their campaigns: Scott Moe’s Saskatchewan Party, and Carla Beck’s NDP.

Where are they currently? What are their strategies to win and what does a path to victory look like? What are the central issues to voters? And what role will the marginal parties play in all of this?

Thank you for joining us on The Herle Burly podcast. Please take a moment to give us a rating and review on iTunes or your favourite podcast app.

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Watch this conversation on YouTube.

The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


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