Caucus Reports: Journalist Panel with Tonda MacCharles and Bill Curry

Alright, you curious, you courageous Herle Burly-ites. Today on the pod, a deep dive into recent party politics with 2 of Canada’s finest political journalists: Tonda MacCharles and Bill Curry.

Ms. MacCharles is a bureau chief and senior reporter in The Star’s Ottawa bureau, covering federal politics and public policy for 20 years now. Her 35-year career includes nearly 10 years in broadcast journalism with CBC’s The National and The Fifth Estate. She’s a regular television panelist and reigns as a 3-time political trivia champion on both CBC radio and CTV television networks.

Mr. Curry is The Globe and Mail’s Deputy Ottawa Bureau Chief. He has over two decades of experience covering Parliament Hill and reports on a wide range of issues, with a focus on finance and economics. He won the 2020 National Newspaper Award for political journalism as part of a team that covered the Liberal government’s since-cancelled contract with the WE organization. Prior to the Globe, he covered federal politics for the National Post, the Canwest News Service and the Hill Times.

So today, a battle of the 2 most recent caucus retreats … Liberals and NDP. While the in-fighting is still fresh! What did leadership want those retreats to be about? What were they actually about? What did members of both parties think in the aftermath? Are they reassured about their leaders? Did they hear cogent planning for successful election campaigns? And what comes next.

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The Herle Burly was created by Air Quotes Media with support from our presenting sponsor TELUS, as well as CN Rail.


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